Chris vander Hoek
Architect, AAA, MRAIC, CanBIM P2
Chris is driven to leverage new methods and technologies to improve the process of design, project delivery, and final output. With experience in a generous breadth of typologies, he is involved with and leads projects from early design through to the end of construction.
Chris is specifically interested in how new design and construction processes can link with traditional forms of building. This means exploring how certain advantages gained from technologies and programs can streamline the construction process and create better buildings and outcomes. These advantages result in buildings with less cost, both in design and resource conservation. He is also interested in generating more value for clients with these processes, by utilizing new platforms for communication and visualization during the design process. Furthermore, he is a strong collaborator and works well with teams, contributing with skills in modeling and building information workflows.
Master of Architecture, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB
Bachelor of Commerce, The King’s University College, Edmonton, AB
CanBIM Professional Certification Level 2, Canadian BIM Council
Memberships + Affiliations
2017 - Present
Registered Architect, Alberta Association of Architects
2019 - Present
Member, Royal Architectural Institute of Canada
2018 - Present
Member, Canadian BIM Council (CanBIM)
2018 -2019
Member, Contracts Committee, Consulting Architects of Alberta
2013 - 2018
Board Member, MADE
Awards + Exhibits
Honourable Mention, Edmonton Urban Design Awards, for Secret Alley Gallery*, Edmonton, AB
First Place, Barricade Design Competition, MADE, Edmonton, AB*
People’s Choice, IllumiNITE Competition, Alley of Light, for UrDu*, Edmonton, AB
First Place, IllumiNITE Competition, Alley of Light, for Dancing with Myself*, Edmonton, AB
”Fibre” Light Installation + Urban Intervention, Winpear Theatre: Sound, Light + Motion, Edmonton, AB*
”UrDu” Light Installation, IllumiNation Festival, Ottawa, ON*
*completed prior to joining Next